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Apilador de walkie Tora-Max®

Trabajas duro y mereces un equipo que pueda seguir el ritmo de tu operación. El apilador eléctrico Tora-Max® ofrece la versatilidad, accesibilidad y estabilidad de carga para mantener su operación en movimiento. Con una capacidad de 2,600 lb y una batería de iones de litio de 24 V y un cargador incorporado, el apilador de walkie Tora-Max® cumple y supera las expectativas de eficiencia en interiores. Lo suficientemente versátil como para manejar aplicaciones de trabajo liviano, este apilador a pie posee una excelente maniobrabilidad en pasillos estrechos, lo que le brinda la flexibilidad que necesita para transportar materiales de manera fácil y eficiente. 


Tora-Max® Walkie Stacker Specifications

Learn more about the Tora-Max® Walkie Stacker model that is available for purchase. 





Max Fork Height





Truck Length

70.48 in.

Mast Lowered Height

76.4 – 92.1 in.

Baseleg Outside Dimension

46.5 - 58.3 in.

Image of stacker forklift with a line to show how wide the front of the forks are
Modelo Capacidad de carga (lbs.) Velocidad máxima de desplazamiento a plena carga (MPH) Velocidad máxima de elevación a plena carga (FPM) Pila básica de ángulo recto (pulg.) Altura máxima de elevación (pulgadas)
2TSB26 2,600 2.6 21.7 89.6 175.51

* Based on 24" Load center ** Add load length and clearance


Product specifications may not reflect the most current product details. Authorized Toyota dealers retain the most current product specifications. All specifications should be verified by an authorized Toyota dealer prior to purchase.

tora-max walkie stacker being used by male about to pick up pallet


The Tora-Max® Walkie Stacker navigates tight aisles and compact spaces while providing optimal comfort and control. Any move you need to make can be done at the touch of a button. You can lift and lower the load in just a few movements using the electric lift and lower controls. Ergonomically angled hand grips, fingertip controls, and directional thumb wheels allow for easy operation without losing productivity, and adjustable baselegs provide additional stability to handle a wide variety of load sizes. 

Power Studies

Powering You Forward

Let Toyota Energy Consultants be your guide in understanding your operation’s energy consumption. Conducting a power study is a crucial step in determining which energy source is best for your operation. Toyota’s Power Study removes the guesswork from deciding which power solution is best for our electric or internal combustion units.


Data is generally collected for 2-4 weeks on the heaviest used trucks, offering information on run-time, idle, available charge, and amp hours. The data collected will provide you with visibility on what times equipment is being used as well as shift volume. Toyota Energy Consultants not only look at battery usage, but also at ways to eliminate waste and recommendations for customized solutions. When you’re ready to take control of your energy usage, partner with Toyota.

Tora-Max® Walkie Stacker Features

You don’t have time to wait, and with the Tora-Max® Walkie Stacker, you won’t have to. A built-in lithium-ion battery and regenerative braking keep your operation running efficiently. And when it comes to a recharge, a built-in charger allows for easy, accessible charging. The LCD battery discharge indicator keeps you informed of battery usage and shows key information like fault codes and working hours, keeping you running at peak performance.

Navigate tight aisles and compact spaces with optimal comfort. Move loads with easy-to-reach controls including lift and lower buttons and directional thumb wheels. User access controls via the built-in pincode or RFID tag reduce the likelihood of unauthorized use. 

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